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March 22, 2008



Love that post. I was looking and thought, that has to be a Natural Balance shoe :) I knew it!!
That's awesome that you're putting on clinics! I hope everyone learned something good from it, I know I always do.
Lol at the locals thinking your horse had lost his shoes. Bet the horse was glad though. I like the NB shoes a lot, and for some horses they are a must have.
Thanks for the post!


Now, if only blog photos could evoke the lovely smell of hot shoeing, we'd really get a taste of the day!


The introduction course was......beyond any expectations; Akos and Cristi did the best in teaching us, novices in farriery and horse hoof anatomy, useful and practical things. Thank again to all involved for this quite "unique" experience in Romania - at least for amateurs wanting to learn more than just how to ride.

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