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March 18, 2008



Awww, that's so sweet of you! Thank you so much!
Those shoes, they still use those here in Pennsylvania, you see them a lot in horses coming out of the auction. Hooves super long, it can't be good... I know it's necessary in working horses, but boy... they make me cringe..
Still get a huge kick out the owner's holding the feet. I have yet to persuade any owners here to do that. Darn it.


wow, good photos and explainations. What a beauty the bay is......but I am partial to bays!

Since Ive switched Scooter to the 'natural trim/shoe' method, her is doing wonderful with out shoes. But then, he isnt a work horse nor is he being ridden hard over rough ground. If I were to rope off him again or work cattle on him, Id put shoes back on.

The new trim method does seem to help his arthritis very much.

You wouldnt see the horse owners in the USA holding up their horses feet! I feel bad for my farrier, hes a young man though with a strong back. Scooter is a leaner and will put his weight on the poor guy if not corrected by the farrier or me.


that was he's doing wonderful.....


Wow, those are some serious shoes! I'm so glad I'm able to keep mine barefoot, but like BG says not working drafts.

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