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June 27, 2009


Deborah Vriesen

Terribly, terribly sorry - I know how you feel. There are laws now in this country that prohibit humane slaughter of horses, which now must either be euthanized or shipped abroad to Mexico in extremely inhumane conditions to be slaughtered God only knows how. Once horses leave one's own barn, their chances are often poor.

Stephanie Webb

How horrible! How sad! Thank you for reporting on this; it's something we all need to be aware of.

White Horse Pilgrim

Yes, it's well worth knowing what ill flows from the Ratiu Family Foundation.


Oh no! I rode Olga when I came to visit you in 2002 and she was such a funny, quirky horse. So sad to hear about Cornel's family too. His kid Daniel took me on a personalized tour of the village when he was about eight and he was a gem.

On the other hand, I'm glad to hear that you are feeling well and you're happily settled in your new home. It's taken me this long to realize that the blog is open again.

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